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Dallastown High School Child Care
Wildcat Preschool

The Dallastown Area High School Child Care Department is offering district children the opportunity to participate in a preschool program for 3 - 5 year old children. As part of the two-year Child Care and Development course offered to 11th and 12th grade students, this program allows high school students to develop effective and realistic parenting techniques as an introduction to career opportunities in child care, while providing valuable social experiences to the children prior to formal academic programs.

Children will be accepted on a first-received basis as applications are submitted for the no-charge preschool opportunity. Sessions 1 and 2 will operate Monday/ Wednesday for 4 years old and Tuesday/ Thursday for 3 year olds per the schedule below. Children signed up for sessions 1 and 2 will participate in the preschool all year with some breaks around holidays and between the high school trimesters. Session 3 will run Monday –Thursday in the spring. Fridays will be used for make-up days and weeks that the high school does not have five days of school. All children must meet the age requirement by August 31st . Children must be toilet-trained by the time the session begins. Parents are responsible for transportation and must be prompt in picking up their children. Once registration is complete you will be notified by email stating the session your child was put in or if your child was not able to be put in a session.
“We really appreciate this wonderful preschool experience that our daughter has had the pleasure to be a part of. All of the planning and special activities and friendships helped her become a more confident and caring student. "
“I was so impressed with the level of creativity and thoughtfullness invested in each day's activities." Thanks for making her first preschool experience such a postive one!"
Session 1 - All Year
Sept. 16- Nov.13 Mon/Wed 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. 4/5 year olds
Dec. 4 - Feb. 12 * must be 4 by Aug. 31
March 24 - May 21
Session 2 - All Year
Sept. 17- Nov.14 Tues/Thurs 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. 3/4 year olds
Dec. 3 - Feb. 11 * must be 3 by Aug. 31
March 25 - May 22
Session 3 - Spring
March 24 - May 22 Mon-Thurs 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. 3/4/5
* must be 3 by Aug. 31
Please contact Danielle Klinedinst with any questions about the program at danielle.klinedinst@dallastown.net or (717)244-4021 ext. 3250.